Friday 21 October 2016


Since school has started up again, I've found that I'm having trouble not feeling guilty about finding time to relax and reward myself for all my hard work. I've decided to try and make a conscious effort in finding time to unwind and get some quality time with me, myself, and I.

I thought I'd share just how I like to spend my "me time".

I'm a true believer in taking breaks in order to function better and being more productive. However, I haven't been practicing that statement since I'm been motivating myself to stay on top of work, school, job research, and trip planning.

Other than not setting an alarm, and having no where to be here's some thing I enjoy doing in my "me time":

1. TEA

Not a day goes by where I don't drink at least one cup of tea. It's a ritual that I look forward to every day, and it requires so little effort that it's even more enjoyable.


Whether it's a morning stretch or evening unwind, I love me some yoga to clear my mind and steady my thoughts. The fact that I get to set aside 30 minutes to an hour of time to just flex in peace gives me so much ease of mind. This not only helps me stay in shape physically, but does wonders for my mentality.


I love getting cozy in bed, in my comfiest clothes, watching a flick I've never seen before. The other night I watched Eat, Pray, Love, and I absolutely loved it.


I'm not perfect, and keeping up with my hair, skin, and body is definitely challenging when you're a busy bee like me. So when I don't have plans other than sleeping in and relaxing, I really like pampering myself. Whether it be adding a face mask to my routine, or really taking the time to do my skin routine, I love taking the time to tend to my body.


I tend to overthink a lot, and when I get stressed or over worked I find that my thoughts are endless. Whether it's writing a little ditti on my blog or some personal thoughts or idea in my notebook, I find that it really helps release that energy.


When ever I'm just at home lounging about, I love throwing on a good record. Just sitting back and letting it play while I read, browse online, or do whatever I please is ultra calming.


Just me and the water. Need I say more? Well I guess I could say it's a great workout as well..

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