Tuesday 28 June 2016


Being a romantic at heart has lead me to always be searching for "the one". I'm not quite sure I believe in destiny, fate, or if everything is just coincidence- but I know one day I will find love.

I thought I had found that person, but when that relationship ended, the romantic side of me didn't quite know where to turn. I want to share my experience of how to move on and be open to love after a break up.

Thursday 16 June 2016


I've always been a planner, always trying to think one step ahead and prepared for everything and anything. I like being early and I always feel guilty if I ever have to change a plan.

From my unpredictable move back to Ottawa, to being without a job before the school year ended, this summer has tested my ability to be spontaneous and flexible.

Monday 13 June 2016


Last week one of my dearest friends came to stay with me in Ottawa.

Here's a little ode to our friendship and how much it meant to spend time with her.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Since spring started I wanted to stroll around the Glebe and take pictures of the street art. 

Today my friend Kessandra and I went out to take some pictures.