Thursday 16 June 2016


I've always been a planner, always trying to think one step ahead and prepared for everything and anything. I like being early and I always feel guilty if I ever have to change a plan.

From my unpredictable move back to Ottawa, to being without a job before the school year ended, this summer has tested my ability to be spontaneous and flexible.

I don't believe I've fully changed in any way, I still rely on my planner and I feel a certain comfort knowing what's what ahead of time. However I've come to the realization that I have evolved in a certain sense... as corny as that may sound. 

Last night for instance, I was on my way home after work and I ran into my dear friend Rox on the bus. Typical Angelica would have been like "nice to see you, we should hang out sometime". Instead I asked if she wanted to grab a drink, and to my delight Rox was just as down as I was to find a new restaurant we both hadn't tried before and have a spontaneous girls night. 

In that moment I felt so excited and pleased with myself. I sincerely thought to myself "wow Angelica you are really getting out of your comfort zone, AND you're even having fun!". 

Rox and I had some drinks, ate some food, shared some laughs and ultimately had a great night! As small and simple as this experience was it truly made me thankful for all the amazing friends in my life. Everyone who's supported me, rooted for me, and celebrated this new chapter of my life with me. 

It really makes me aspire to be as encouraging and caring for those who I hold dear in my life as well. I hope to be as dependable for those I care about as they have been for me these past couple months. 

I've decided to dedicate 2016 to the year of doing whatever makes me happy, whether it be planned or not. If I think it I will go out and do it. I want to try and break out of my comfort zone and do things that get me excited. As well as get out and do the things I'm passionate about, whether it's solo or with a friend. 

It's nights like these that make me feel overwhelming amounts of joy, knowing I'm happy on my own but not alone.

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