Sunday 6 March 2016


Two weeks ago I went on trip to Vancouver, Canada, to visit one of my closest friends Andrea. I had hoped from the beginning that this trip would teach me things about myself, and allow me to grow as an individual. It was my first solo trip to a city, and province, that I had never been to before. As exciting as I was, I was also really nervous since I would be on my own for the first time in a while.

Most adventures I'd been on, I'd venture out with my boyfriend, my partner in crime. However, he was going on a school trip to Europe and I thought his absence would be the perfect time for me to go somewhere on my own. Of course I had Andrea to tour me around once I got to Vancouver (which I appreciate ever so much), but I had more time to myself than I've had in long time.

I don't want to be cliche and say that I "found myself", because that would be a lie. On the other hand, I definitely got to really learn who I am and "where" I am as a person in this moment.

I've remembered my independence, and that I'm able to take care of myself. But I also realized how thankful I am to have so many people in my life that I can depend on and who care about me.

I got to explore my love for photography again (which I've been expressing through shameless amounts of Instagram posts).

I also established how much I love quiet days and nights in, simply spending time with those most important to me. Relaxing and having fun at home, rather than out on the town.

There's so many things I found out about myself, small things but all together they make me who I am.

So thanks Andrea for letting me experience Vancouver in all of it's glory on this trip. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Here's to our future adventures together!

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