Thursday, 1 March 2018


Hello March! It's a new month and once again I'm inspired by another one of my favourite youtubers, Claire Marshall. She recently posted a 5 Good Habits Video on Facebook which provoked me to also change some parts of my routine as well.

Let's be honest 2018 has been off to a weird start, February was definitely an improvement in mentality but I'm still a bit of a mess. So here we are with yet another life style challenge (or at least proposal) to try and seek out. We're going to start small, baby steps.

  1. Make my bed properly every morning. Not sure when I decided I no longer needed to do this. Actually it probably stopped when I started working more nights than days and felt that since I was waking up at noon I no longer needed to make my bed. (eyeroll emoji) Which shouldn't be an excuse, and making my bed when I wake up definitely starts my day off on the right side of the bed (lol).
  2. Write in my journal when I'm in my head. Two years ago I used to turn to my journal to ease my stress, and again, I'm not sure when I decided this no longer helped me. Lately when I'm at work I find that my mind is still thinking about all other things outside of work. Which one, effects my work ethic negatively and two, stresses me tf out. So I'm going to get back into the habit of releasing my tension into my writing again. Don't get me wrong, I have been expressing my stress to my friends which is also a good release, but I'm sure their ears would enjoy a bit of a break from my whining as well. 
  3. Read and listen to podcasts more often. Listening to music is great, however I could be teaching myself or at least listening to something more thought provoking during the dead air times in my day. Andrea has been telling me to listen to podcasts, and I did about two times and then just haven't since. I enjoy them, I'm just still learning how to incorporate them into my life. I was listening to them when I was doing my makeup and washing the dishes but I need to stay dedicated to this because I think it'll be very helpful.
  4. Getting dressed for the day, even if I'm not going anywhere other than work. I know "other than work" might sound weird, but I'm still not a "real adult" and I wear jeans and a uniform shirt to my serving job. So when I'm at home before work I usually just throw on my sweat pants, but it's time to break this habit. Let's start saving the comfy lounge wear for after work or genuine lazy, treat yourself days. Basically I wish to dress myself up for success, even if it's just for job hunting at my desk.
  5. Don't lounge on your bed during the day. See above for reasons why. I need to start working on my laptop at my desk or kitchen table, and watching TV in my living room in order to stop feeling like I live in my bed (which trust me was the dream but is now my nightmare). I also think that casually lounging in my bed during the day has disabled my sleeping pattern. So I'm going to make an effort to get up, make my bed, and stay out of it until I'm going to sleep. (with the exception of watching Netflix from my own bed if Irwin wants to use the living room to watch something I don't).
So there you have it folks, small but hopefully big steps in improving my everyday life. 

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