Tuesday 1 January 2019


My resolutions for 2019.


Maintain my mental and physical health. This means being mindful of what I'm doing to my mind and body. I want to start eating healthier, staying consistent with good habits (drinking more water, not over eating, getting enough sleep), and relieving stress by getting active. Andrea and I are tackling a 30 day yoga challenge (as per tradition) and 30 day ab challenge (to spice it up).


I want to rebuild my savings. I just paid off my student loans (yay me) and my next goal is to buy a car this year. I'd love to get a beetle, but it doesn't have to be new and shiny. I want to save to go on trips near and far. I have everything I need, all I need to do is save.


I want to make an effort to be more present in every day life. I want to spend less time at home on my phone or mindlessly watching tv and start going out. Nothing to wild or crazy, but I'd love to at least once a week or two try a new coffee shop or activity and start curating my new favourite places in the city.


New year, new promotion. I want to give this job my all. Which will require enough sleep, fuel, and ambition to stay on top of all our new projects. I'm going to ask questions, reach out to my superiors and learn from their advice, and try to absorb as much information as possible. These next 3.5 years will be to develop and refine my skills. I'm going to make every day count!

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