Saturday 15 April 2017


I've always aspired to be the type of person who accepts people into my life with open arms. I wish to be the type of friend who isn't judgmental and supportive through the good and the bad. While this is my goal, sometimes I find that I'm hindered by impulse and personal insecurities. These are my recent thoughts on making connections with people.

Years ago I worked at a job where I felt misunderstood due to bad first impressions that I couldn't seem to overcome. At the same time I learned that sometimes people just aren't meant to get along, and I simply don't need everyone's approval to love myself as a person.

Not that it was ever directed at me, but this quote was posted on our whiteboard at work and it has stuck with me ever since.

"You can be the ripest, juicest peach in the world, and there's still going to be someone who hates peaches."
- Unknown

Too me this quote meant that I didn't need to make others happy in order to be happy with who I am as a person. All I can do is be myself, kind, and friendly - it doesn't matter if everyone you meet likes you or not.

This mentality has remained with me through other jobs I've been in, as well as other connections with people I've made in my life so far. I hold it near to my heart because I've always been anxious and worried about having people like me or being accepted (which I'm sure plenty of other people out there do too).

In my day to day life I worry about burdening my presence on people who don't want anything to do with me. These thoughts are something I want to learn to get over because I've found that in some cases it has caused me to come off across as standoff-ish for example, when I'm really just nervous about being myself - which is something no one should be afraid of.

More recently, with more people coming and going from my life, and I've found this quote to be more prevalent in my life. It really reinstated that even though I can love myself and be content with who I am, not everyone is meant to get along. This fact is more than okay with me because I know deep down that there are plenty more people in my life who do appreciate me for who I am, and I shouldn't dwell on people who simple don't care for me. It's not worth anyone's time to pretend about how you feel about someone. Real friends and connections come from people who are sincere and genuine, two more things I try to embody through honesty.

What I'm trying to say is - I'm so blessed to have made such wonderful connections with people I can call true friends, and I don't need to dwell on people who think otherwise. If you love yourself (and even if you don't believe you do), I know from personal experience there are many other people out there who in fact love you for you (...but there are also people who don't and that doesn't make you any less lovable). So find comfort in the fact that all you need to do is be yourself, kind, and friendly and people who love and respect you will stay and the negativity in your life will leave.


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