Friday, 28 September 2018


Well September has flashed by before my eyes. Times flies by when you work almost everyday and you're still trying to balance your social life.

I've been lacking big time on updating my blog, but I've been really inspired by my friend's blog posts from Australia. So I figured that I should pop on and update my future self on how your girl was feeling in September 2018.

Lately we've only been getting like 6 hours of sleep every night. Not the best - but it works. I've also discovered a great way to wake up on my way to work. Instead of just passively listening to my music and nodding off to sleep. I've been listening to podcasts so I actually have to pay attention and listen. Now I don't drift off to sleep and end up even groggier by the time I get to work - so that's been great.

I'm never bored anymore, which is not to say I'm not lonely. We're still a little lonely and we're working on getting over that. I make the time to see close friends, and it's been really nice to develop those friendships. Lately everyone wants to hang out or go out (and spend money), and I'm getting better at not 'making plans and bailing on them' because "I'm tired". I'll actually go out and ACTUALLY enjoy myself - surprising huh? I even went to my first music festival this month. Michael and I went to Cityfolk. Steve Earl, Kaleo and Tedeschi Truck Band played that night. We got there with a couple songs to spare from Steve Earl. I was super pumped to see Kaleo again! They even played all my favourite songs. Tedeschi Trucks put on an amazing show as well. It was so nice to get to spend some quality time with a good friend- just enjoying some cider and music on a warm (one of the last) summer night(s).That all being said it's really hard to make the time to relax and work on some self love a.k.a do nothing and being a happy baked potato in bed doing nothing (ah bliss).

We've been working everyday, going to the gym (twice a week), studying for the PPE exam (which I'm writing in December), going out with friends, cooking and cleaning the apartment, just ADULTING all the daaaammmnn tiiiiime. I keep saying this is just the time in my life where I'm meant to HUSTLE! We'll get to reap the rewards of my labour later.

Work is going well and I'm finally finding my groove at the new job. I'm trying my best to show them I'm capable and hard working. There are times where I feel like I can't do anything right or I wish I knew how to do my job better - but I'm still new and learning and everyone understands that.

We're zeroing in on our student loans. Only roughly $2000 more to pay off in full before I'm debt free. The goal is to pay them off before the end of the year (or November if we're really tightening our belt which isn't going as planned but it's ok). I can't wait for my loans to be not a thing. I just want to be able to work, pay my bills and save to travel or live my life. I'm so so proud of myself for not only graduating and getting a job but ALSO for putting myself through school and independently managing my finances. Financial responsibility is probably my best quality let's be honest (or my favourite one at least).

Things are flowing in the love department of my life. Without getting ahead of myself I've been enjoying meeting new people, going on dates, and getting closer everyday to finding my person. Cheesy I know, but while we barely have anytime to even pay attention to how single we are, we're also finally at peace with all that. We don't take people's shit anymore, we know what we want and don't want, and we don't settle for anything less than that anymore. And it's actually kind of working, we'll see how the tables turn by the end of the year. I'm sure we'll look back on this post and laugh at our "optimism".

Anyways, life is busy but good. I'm tired but I feel like my life has purpose. I have a reason to wake up every day, I have goals and I'm actually accomplishing them, and because I'm so busy it makes me appreciate the quiet times I get to myself. Life is good.

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