Wednesday, 28 June 2017


In honour of all things beautiful but temporary I got some henna done this week by the talented Solange.

I've only ever had henna done once before at an university event, but I've always been mesmerized by it. So when a coworker at work had hers done last week I decided to follow suit and get some too. I reached out to Solange and she quickly got back to me in no time. We met up downtown over coffee and tea while she created this masterpiece!

I'm so in love with the outcome! The entire process was quite exciting as well. Watching it go from the paste, to stain, and having it oxidize and get darker in time was really cool. I would definitely suggest having plenty of time on your hands in order to have your henna be successfully done. I was lucky enough to have about 48 hours of down time between work (finally!), which came in handy for letting the henna properly stain my skin.

Solange is so incredibly talented and was a pure joy to get together with. I highly recommend her for all your creative henna needs. She was super professional but at the same time easy going! I look forward to getting more henna from her in the future.

Henna by Solange
instagram: @hennabysolange
facebook: hennabysolange

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