Sunday, 24 January 2016


For our 3 year anniversary, my boyfriend Liam and I decided to take an early trip to Montreal during the Labour Day weekend.

Rather than spending money on gifts, we chose to put the money towards a mini vacation to Montreal, Quebec. I think it was one of the best gifts and time together that we have every spent. Not only did we get to travel to a new city, but we also got to experience it together and make memories that will last us a life time.

Saturday, 16 January 2016


On January 15th was my 21st birthday. The day was filled with excitement and laughter from myself and those I care ever so dearly about, which made it a wonderful day.

After my classes during the day I went home to start getting ready for the party I was hosting to celebrate. My roommates were sweet as can be and surprised me by beginning to decorate while I was out of the house. They also made me rice crispy squares, which they used as a cake for me to make my birthday wish on. To top it all off they spoiled me by getting me a shower gel, mango soap, and lip chap from LUSH. Seriously, my roommates are too good to be true and I 'm so sad that we'll all be moving out at the end of April (but more on that later).

Then after preparing for the party, we blended up some daiquiris to get the party started.

Throughout the night my dearest friends arrived, and we drank, ate, played games and just had a lovely time.

I was spoiled even more by more gifts from my lovely friends. My sweet sweet boyfriend even got me my first record player! I can't wait to buy some records and start using it!!

It was such a fun night and I owe it all to the amazing people in my life who showered me with love.

I will cherish my 21st birthday party for the rest of my life, so here's to 21.

Sunday, 10 January 2016


A couple of days ago I finally made the decision to buy a plane ticket to Vancouver, British Columbia. One of my best friends lives there, and I had never been to the city before so I figured it would be the perfect excuse to go and explore.

I'd like to think of myself as an independent and responsible person, however I find that I have become very dependent on my boyfriend for almost everything. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, because I think that I'm so lucky to have a partner that I can rely on and who is loyal to me. However, I still want to feel like I can survive on my own, you know what I mean?

You see, Liam is fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be able to travel for school (he's taking a trip to Europe soon). My program doesn't have opportunities like that so rather than just sitting around in my hometown (as usual) I have decide to take an adventure to Vancouver.

I'm so beyond excited to travel, but also I'll admit- I'm scared. I have never flown by myself before, let alone travel recently at all. It's certainly going to be an experience where I will be able to learn more about myself during my time alone. It will also be amazing to catch up with Andrea, and wander all over the city and make some great memories.

I'm excited to go on hikes, dabble in photography, try out new coffee shops and restaurants, and most importantly be able to be independent and free. I can't wait to see what Andrea has in store (she is a pro-travel guide by the way. fun fact: she showed me around Montreal for my first time there).

I'll be updating you guys more about this trip later, safe travels everyone.

PS. thinking of possibly getting my first tattoo there as well (but who knows what this trip will have in store just yet)

Tuesday, 5 January 2016


For me personally, university... especially engineering has been a challenge and sometimes a struggle. High school came easy, so I honestly never really expected to have any difficulties in university.

Last term during my third year I was the most stressed about school than I have ever been in my life. High school had come relatively easy to me and I never expected university to be as challenging as it was... naive I know.

Whether it was the commute, money, time, work load I constantly I felt like I was drowning, and my mental health was seriously at risk. So for once in my life I decided I should give myself a break, look at my situation long term and slow myself down.

By rushing myself and constantly pushing myself to just make it by, without truly retaining anything was my downfall. I decided to rearrange my school schedule and take an extra term in order to slow down and take my time to really be able to focus and most importantly learn. Then I could potentially have more time for my studies as well as a balanced life style and even eventually enjoy what I'm learning more because I understand the information.

This is where I am now, starting fresh in the second term of third year, seeing how this "slow down" goes.

I've thought about it time and time again, is this program right for me? am I really doing something I will love in the future? and overall what I am studying, the values and theories behind everything I am learning - I can truly say that whatever field I go into that involves the environment, conservation, and sustainability I will be happy. I just need to get through school in order to get to the place I need to be.

Sunday, 3 January 2016


Who am I, might you ask?

My name is Angelica (if you couldn't tell) and I'm a 20 year old (going on 21 in two weeks) who is trying to find herself.

Did I mention I'm a cliché? Aha

All jokes aside - I study Architectural Engineering (to keep it short).

Currently I live with two other great roommates in the city.

I also have a boyfriend, and we've been through thick and thin for over 3 years now (he lives near by as well).

My dog Charlie lives with my parents 5 hours away from school, and I miss her cuddles everyday.

I enjoy traveling and exploring my surroundings. Hopefully this year will bring many adventures and I look forward to growing and changing as I discover new places and passions.

Did I mention I'm corney...?

You can find me on Instagram as @angelicamay

So let's see where I go next...

Friday, 1 January 2016


I've always wanted to start a blog, and what better time than in the New Year ..?

In the New Year, and on this blog, I really want to focus on my resolutions. It's all going to be about my adventures through some much needed self improvement.

Goals / Resolutions:

Above all... being happy and positive about all endeavors yet to come.

improve my...

  • university studies
    • time management
    • study as I go (not cram)
    • motivation
  • self love
    • skin care
    • develop my style / closet
    • (reduce my) stress / worries
  • relationships
    • friends, family, and with my boyfriend (enough said)
I assure you that there are more things I wish to improve and explore (so I'll be adding things as I remember them). 

Hopefully through sharing my experiences you can learn from me and perhaps I can learn from you.

So long 2015, and hello (it's me) 2016.